Friday, May 15, 2009

Last Call

Hello friends, family, and strangers! Well, tomorrow is the big day!!

What day is that you ask??

The Cystic Fibrosis Great Strides Walk, duh!! =) My team is really rockin' at raising money and we've almost reached our $10,000 goal! I am very close to my $1000 goal and I would LOVE if you could help me out by donating at least $5!! Every dollar counts so anything you can contribute is very much appreciated!!

New to my blog and you don't know what I'm talking about??

Click on this old post, or this old post to get updated!!

Click here to donate!!!!! Click here to donate!!!!!


Stephanie said...

Looking forward to meeting you tonight and tomorrow!!
Go Caras Corps!!!!

Melissa said...

Hey girl! I just donated $5! Sorry I can't do more right now, but theres so much financially going on, but I had to contribute something! I think its great what you guys are all doing for your friend! Good luck and have fun!!!! :)