Monday, February 2, 2009

Boxes, Snow and Football...

OK well my family has been requesting some pics of Keaton so I happily obliged! Remember how much fun boxes used to be! I remember once my friends parents got a new refrigerator and we played in that box in the front yard for hours!! So much fun!

Of course he managed to find one of my necklaces again...
Then some bracelets on another day...

This weekend was a lot of fun! We went skiing again on Saturday and I must say we're both getting really good! =) I even caught air! Kyle said I probably got 2-3 feet, which isn't a ton but it's enough, and I landed it gracefully! I actually didn't fall the entire time. I'm also getting good at going fast to one side and turning to spray snow everywhere. We're just having a blast! =)
A "redo" of last weeks photo, this time my shadow isn't in the way!
We got separated on the lift and man does the way up seem long and slow when you're sitting by yourself!!

Afterwards we got Keaton from the nursery and had lunch outside at the bottom of the lift. It was another gorgeous day!
Here's Keaton getting tickled by his daddy! =)

Our Little Snow Monster...

We also had a wonderful time last night with our friends watching the Super Bowl! What a GREAT game!!! At first I was indifferent on who I wanted to win but then I decided for sure the Cardinals were my pick. I was so excited when they got that last touchdown but it just wasn't enough, oh well! The game was a great one and so was the food and company! Hope you had a great weekend too!

1 comment:

Roni said...

Love the LACK OF A BEARD!!!!!!!!!

How long till your in Firethorne??